What is The Complex Dance Company?
The Dance Company is a space for Levels 5 and 6 dancers to create their own movement work for performance. The Mission of the company is to develop innovative, original work for social change, while bringing authentic modern and contemporary dance to the Northeast CT Region. The Company strives to raise the expectancy of Dance in this community and richly develop their own creative voice. Company members develop work through a rich process of research, observation, consideration, ideation, and collaboration. Students learn to advocate for their visions, ideas, and creations. Students create work that challenges the parameters of traditional theater.

Who is in The Complex Dance Company?
Level 6 Dancers • Level 5 Dancers – Apprentice Company
What is an Apprentice Company?
The Apprentice Company, or second company, is in training. The apprentice company will spend their first year working with and learning from experienced company members and directors. The apprentice company will also develop work for performance and will utilize Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process to inspire growth, creative analytics, and help shape constructive dialogue.
Why would a dancer want to become a member of the Company?
The Complex Dance Company members are the student leaders of The Complex and represent The Complex’s philosophy. Company members share their passion for dance, making, and performance with The Complex and NECT Community.
What else does The Company do in addition to their Main Performance?
Company members perform for community events, create work for additional dance performances, are the group called upon for any public performance opportunities, work closely with faculty members, experience guest artists and workshops, student teach/assist faculty with classes and Summer camps.
Company Requirements:
• Level 5 or 6 Conservatory Program (Full Conservatory or Full Dance Track)
• Yearly Audition
• Summer Dance Intensive
Company Cost:
•There is no additional tuition cost for Company rehearsals or time
•Costumes: we try to utilize costumes in our possession, there are times when a costume piece might be needed, but this is limited, and we try to fundraise for company needs
•Personalized Company Jacket ($75 - $100)