Adaptive Dance Classes
Adaptive dance classes are specially designed to accommodate individuals of all abilities, including those with physical disabilities, developmental differences, and cognitive differences, students with IEP's or additional needed support.
These classes provide a supportive and inclusive environment where participants can explore movement, rhythm, and expression in ways that are tailored to their unique needs and preferences.

• RISE^ Dance - for Teens and Adults
This class welcomes all types of movers and body abilities. Students will explore ballet and jazz techniques while developing a strong sense of musicality, coordination, and personal style. Proper attention is paid to muscle development, body awareness, musicality, and performance skills. Students will enjoy an upbeat class that explores a variety of styles in a fun atmosphere in a positive, inspiring, and creative environment. Each week students will expand their self-confidence and love for dance. This class is sensory informed and supportive of individual movement needs and adaptations. Neurodivergent, Autism, and/or Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities along with any mobility aids are welcome.

Adaptive Strategies:
Physical Accommodations: Classes are structured to accommodate participants with a wide range of physical abilities and mobility differences. Adaptive equipment, such as chairs, balance aids, or sensory props, may be used to support individuals in their movements.
Communication Support: Instructors use clear verbal instructions, visual demonstrations, and tactile cues to facilitate understanding and participation. Alternative communication methods may also be utilized as needed.
Sensory Considerations: Classes are designed to be sensory-friendly, taking into account the sensory preferences and sensitivities of participants. Lighting, music, and environmental stimuli are adjusted to create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.

• Individualized Instruction: Katelyn Cramer, movement therapist, will tailor her teaching approach to meet the needs of each participant, providing personalized guidance, encouragement, and feedback. Modifications and adaptations are made on an individual basis to
ensure that everyone can fully engage and enjoy the class experience.
Katelyn Cramer, BC-DMT, LPC, LMHC -
Dance / Movement Therapist

Katelyn graduated Antioch University New England where she earned a Masters of Arts degree in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling. She studied psychomotor development of children, along with focuses on the intellectual/developmental disability and autistic communities, and older adults. Katelyn has been providing dance experiences to Massachusetts and Northeastern Connecticut for 15 years as well as working in various day habilitation and residential programs.
She also earned a Bachelor of Arts in Dance with a minor in Disability Studies from Springfield College where she focused her studies on choreography, modern dance and improvisation, and pedagogy. Katelyn teaches dance classes to all ages at several studios.